Best Year Yet Foundation Impact Stories

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”  

~ Helen Keller

A disparate group of volunteers becomes a tight team that gets  results.

The Coalition
Wilmington, North Carolina

New entrepreneurs get the tools and systems they need to create successful businesses

 Passion Profit
Nairobi, Kenya

A few dedicated volunteers take a big leap forward to serve seniors in their community.

Olive Community Services
Fullerton, California

New women entrepreneurs in rural North Carolina get the boost they need through a new coalition

North Carolina Women Entrepreneurs
Asheville, North Carolina

The partnership of two foundations creates synergy to serve dozens of nonprofits and their clients

JJ Keller Foundation
Greater Fox Valley Region,

A group of volunteers provides resources to young people to create jobs and improve lives in rural India

Information & Technology Centre

From one location and high turnover to three cities, national awards, and the ability to help an influx of refugees

House of Guardian Angels

Supporting those who provide services on the front lines to  people in crisis across 18 states and Puerto Rico

San Antonio, Texas

Giving a voice to the voiceless majority through preparing young people to be the leaders of tomorrow

Emerging Leaders Foundation
Nairobi, Kenya

The team supporting five school districts found some unexpected support of their own

Comal Independent School District
New Braunfels, Texas

New opportunities created to provide support across a wide range of needs and users

Colorado Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Denver, Colorado

A new leader, an overwhelmed team, and a pandemic add up to something amazing

The Boys and Girls Club of Greater Green Bay

Overwhelming growth becomes an opportunity for expanding capacity and results for arts nonprofit

The Athena Project
Denver, Colorado

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.”

~ H.E. Luccock