Cathey Stamps

Cathey Stamps
Marketing & Partner Lead
Originally from Nashville, Cathey lived a successful dual career as a psychotherapist and a working musician before moving full-time into marketing and communications. She received her BA in Broadcasting, working at the Nashville CBS television affiliate before getting her Master’s degree in Social Work. Cathey developed a healthy private practice and was active in community work of all kinds; both of which helped her gain understanding of group dynamics in multiple settings and the key roles that individual empowerment, engagement, and creativity play in success at every level.
Stepping into her role as Marketing and Partner Lead felt right from the beginning. In additional to her work as a Master Facilitator, Cathey trains and supports our international partner network, as well as providing support for the Best Year Yet® Foundation, our nonprofit that brings the powerful resources of Best Year Yet® to organizations who serve those who serve our communities.
Cathey still plays percussion and arranges music professionally in Nashville, TN, and loves reading great fiction, watching roller derby, getting in plenty of beach time when she can, and hanging out with family and friends. You can easily identify her in the mix by that little bit of ever-present Southern twang.